RPC Group plc (lon:rpc)
RPC Plastics Have They Over Acquired?

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Title: RPC Plastics Have They Over Acquired?
Company: RPC - RPC Group plc
Share Price Then: 750p
Author: Ian Smith
Date: Fri 30 Jun 2017
Comments: RPC Plastics are a major manufactuer of plastic moulds for pretty much everything that you buy that comes in a plastic container.

Their share price has been very unstable recently and it hard to fully understamd why.

It would be easy to understand a stable drop as the company has been on a buying spree, about £2.4bn worth, new purchases in Africa, Australia, Europe and North America and investment in Brazil and China.

This has increased debt from £744m to £1,000m, ouch!

However they did they still make $130m in 2016/17.

So have they invested wisely or have they as some analysts think lost the plot and are just buying whatever they can?

Although it is difficult to know the source of the funds there have been significant directors buys when the share price fell below 800p, These were relatively small buys in the £20k to £80k range so they may very well be directors own money.

Read Count: 135

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